Ultra T401

Shown here is the Ultra T401 from 1946. This set is for operation on AC mains only, and provides reception on SW as well as MW and LW. The cabinet is very similar to the U405 seen on the previous page, but is somewhat taller with a larger expanse of the white plastic fascia. This reflected the post-war trend towards cream coloured cabinets. Some 10 months after launch Ultra extended the idea further by offering the receiver with the brown (apparently old-fashioned) bakelite sprayed in pastel colours such as cream, blue and green. The sprayed cabinets cost an additional 15 shillings +pt. A frame aerial is wound on the rear panel of the receiver. It can be noticed that Ultra has moved the tuning scale from the right to the left hand side of the cabinet when comparing the U405 and T401. One is prompted to wonder why Ultra did this; did market research suggest people preferred the new layout? It is difficult to imagine that engineering considerations required the speaker and scale positions to be reversed. When launched the receiver cost £13.17.6 +pt, but this was increased to £15.0.0 +pt a few months later. Coloured cabinets cost £15.15.0 +pt. Valve line-up was TH41, VP41, PEN45DD, UU6.

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