Ultra R786 Coronation Twin

Shown on this page (awaiting photographs) is a portable receiver from Ultra. It  is an AC or DC receiver, that could also operate from internal HT and LT batteries. Covering MW and LW, it was a compact receiver that offered good performance. It was sold as the R786, more commonly known as the "Coronation Twin". This is a very attractive receiver with a cream front and bakelite cabinet with carrying handle. The Coronation Twin represents an early attempt to increase the appeal of an item by associating it with a Royal event, in this case the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. A nice touch to the Coronation Twin was that the mains lead could be disconnected from the receiver, and coiled up into a receptacle behind a door in the rear panel. Unfortunately insufficient space exists in the receptacle for a modern three-pin plug, and as a result the mains lead is often missing these days. (Also, many people have permanently wired the mains lead onto the chassis inside the cabinet on safety grounds). On unconverted sets the mains/battery changeover switch is automatically operated when the mains lead is plugged into the chassis socket. The receiver features a valve line-up of 1C1, 1F3, 1FD9, 1P11, and metal rectifier type RM2. The receiver cost £13.10.4 +pt. 

Awaiting photographs of the receivers for the text above

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