Philips 170A

Shown on this page is the Philips 170A from 1946. This receiver is presented in a large bakelite cabinet, that is often described as being of the "theatre" style. These sets are actually quite common, but are nonetheless collectable. The performance is very good, and I have owned the example shown for about 20 years without problem. It is still working fine without any capacitor replacement, and as I recollect the only thing I had to do to get the receiver working was to change the AZ31 rectifier. The chassis is helpful from a service point of view in that in can be stood on its end without further support. Valve line-up is EF39, ECH35, EF39, EBL31, AZ31, EM34. 

This chassis was also available in a version by Mullard that was presented in a veneered wooden cabinet, designated Mullard model number MAS281. I have one of these receivers too but did not include it on the Mullard page. (In due course I will get some pictures for comparison, check back later in 2003). The Philips version was priced at £21.17.5 whereas the Mullard version was more expensive at £22.19.3, so an extra pound or so for the luxury of the veneered wood cabinet. The bakelite set sounds good though as the loudspeaker is mounted on a substantial piece of plywood that runs the length of the cabinet.

Continue to the Philips model 581A