Murphy Radio Model A104 From 1946

1946 saw the introduction for the first time of the “Baffle” receiver pioneered by Murphy Radio. Murphy believed that the wooden or bakelite boxes that radio receivers were currently built into produced a “boomy” or “boxy” sound, and this effect could be reduced if the set were not enclosed. To this end the receiver was built with cabinetry only to the front of the set, and the side profile shows the panel curvature and how narrow the set is. The back is made of shaped perforated steel sheet. Another “new” feature was the method of optically projecting the wavelength of the short wave band onto a window within the tuning scale. The originality of this particular development was somewhat questionable, as a very similar system had been employed by Ferranti in the 1930’s. The receiver produced a good sound though, and was one of the first good quality receivers available following the war. However, it was quite expensive costing Ł25.0.0 plus purchase tax.  
The set was featured in the “Britain Can Make It” exhibition of 1946 that aimed to show of excellence in post-war British design. Valve line up was TH41, VP41, HL41DD, PEN45, UU6.

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